Saturday, January 4, 2014

American Democracy And Christianity Series

American Democracy And Christianity Series

Figure 1: Declaration of
America declared her independence July 4, 1776! Then America fought wars to stay  independent and today is struggling with her identity.  This is a series on American Democracy.  I explore the emergence and establishment of the American Experiment as closely I could get to the Forefathers mindset.

I began this effort following the events of September 11th, 2001 serving on active duty often on late night watches. During this time, I began reading the Declaration of Independence; figure 1, the US Constitution, and the US Bill of Rights.   My initial interest was in understanding what I was defending.  After all, I was in the United States military. This lead me into a much deeper investigation due to the Forefathers deep connection with Christianity.

As I delved deeper into my studies there was no end to the rabbit hole. I swallowed the red pill and braced for the harsh reality. It took me into war fighting doctrines, moral systems, even into information theory and the sciences. As time progressed, I found myself deploying to Iraq and the fertile crescent where the Biblical narrative occurs in part. I was being exposed to a competitive belief system and it was important to understand who we were, what we were bringing to these people in a strange land. I needed a baseline from which to act properly. After all, the Global War on Terrorism was an asymmetric war underpinned by ideological beliefs counter to the American founding. This war was not a simple megalomaniac reaching out for a power grab, although many people tried to advance that understanding. GWOT is a war of conscience, more so than other wars, that strikes at the mind of every American citizen. GWOT has the potential to affect America's identity and introduces America to a much more dangerous kind of threat.

What I discovered was America is no longer the land that our forefathers intended. I wonder what we will become and have speculated some through my own research.  The bottom line up front is that while Democracy and Capitalism were primary instruments directly from the Bible that contributed to making America great, America was great for the most part because of the population's reliance on the Judeo-Christian God. This is the Original Intent as best as I could understand it.  Originally, I scripted a book for publishing but scrapped the idea and decided to adapt sections for blog postings.  I will slowly make additional posting as I adapt the works for the blog. This is where we came from, the way we were...

Odyssey to America

The Emergence of Human Rights in America

The Grievances and Cause for Revolution

The Biblical Foundations for Freedom

Principles written into the Founding Documents

Biblical Treatment of Slavery and Servitude

Morality of Capitalism, Part 1

Morality of Capitalism, Part 2

Supporting Posts

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