Monday, May 23, 2022

Censorship, Cancel Culture, and The TattelTale Society: Part II

Censorship, Cancel Culture, and The TattelTale Society: Part II


Part I of Censorship, Cancel Culture, and the Tattletale Society looked at understanding these social phenomenons. In this post, we are seeking to explore the problems caused by censorship, cancel culture, and TattleTale Society is likened to a black hole that draws everything at the event horizon into what seems to be inescapable doom. However, America's founding principles have the power to turn this problem around.

The Problem of Corporate America

Let us begin by pointing out that much of what Corporate America does is not consistent with the Original Intent of the Forefathers. Thomas Jefferson said, "Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains. (Federer, 1996, p 329)." In the book the World is Flat, the author Thomas Friedman concludes that Karl Marx could have predicted the flattening as American corporations outsourced, offshored, streamlined workflows, etc... (Freidman, 2005, pp 233-235). Perhaps Corporate America should be labeled Corporate Socialist instead. The problem stems principally from the way companies have been legally structured which fundamentally changes the philosophy of business and industry. In the past, people worked to support their lifestyle choices. In more contemporary times, the work is attempting to define a person's lifestyle and choices for them. The problem has emerged over time as the philosophy of business has changed.

In the 1886 case of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, the United States Supreme court ruled that a corporation is the same as a living breathing organism. This ruling is the notion of corporate personhood in which an organization legally becomes human-like and is the basis for corporate law in the United States. The emergence of corporate governance fundamentally changes a corporation when commingled personhood.

Corporate governance has companies, a fictitious entity, as a meme for the political aspirations of their corporate boards which are composed mostly of proponents of the Political Left. Under Corporate Governance, the corporation takes on duties and responsibilities that the government would normally perform. If the corporation performs these duties and responsibilities reasonably well then the government will simply monitor as opposed to enforce.

Corporate governance arose out of a power struggle between government and industry during the late 1970s. The US Government was enacting many reforms that were a burden on industry. Industry reacted by applying economic pressure to the elected officials' districts who were in favor of the reforms. Originally, Corporate governance was aligned with the business and markets usually through sustainability initiatives. However, through the decades corporations have moved towards socio-political issues that have a very little-to-no connection to the business. Many companies latched on to the Woke tactics while imposing opinions, views, and beliefs on the labor force denying the labor force any voice in the matter. Court rulings have suspended unalienable rights during the time the employee is at work and in some cases have applied the suspension every day and around the clock. Unalienable rights are not for sale and can never be taken away as they are unalienable.

Remarks by Twitter CEO that Twitter's role is not bound to the First Amendment, Right to Free Speech, need to be held accountable to America's Original Intent. Making a statement of intent then following through with actions is at least in contempt of the American Founding or malicious intent against America. These corporate boards, the people, need to be held accountable to the standard set forth by the American founding when operating in the United States.

Other Examples of Free Speech Problems

The internet is groupthink on a global scale tending to promote a secular humanist narrative. For example, web services such as Wikipedia attempt to discuss a variety of topics and use a moderator to guide the truthfulness and accuracy of the articles. Often these moderators are biased to the Political Left with secular humanist thought. Thus, contributions even when properly attributed, referenced, and have merit are frequently removed when not consistent with the moderator's personal narrative. The moderators, regardless of the platform or venue, tend to lack the authoritative competency to properly assess comments for accuracy and truth disenfranchising the audiences from making those determinations themselves. As a form of censorship, moderators steer the conversation to support their own narratives.

The internet bubble is the notion that people are more interested in what goes on in their front yards than what is going on somewhere else. Thus, news, information, and knowledge are filtered to what is presumed to be in one's interest. This filtering is performed by technocrats who develop algorithms that not only learn one's habits but also act on biased guidance to mask news, information, and knowledge that may create warranted dissent. This is an instrument that limits free speech from reaching intended audiences and attempts to manage audience outrage.

COVID-19 Mandates Infringe on Unalienable Rights

A mandate is an official order to do something that differs from laws. Laws are enacted by a legislative body and are durable. Whereas, mandates originate within the administrative state headed by the executive branch and are not supposed to be durable. Constitutionally, there is a separation of powers under which the legislative body enacts laws and the executive branch asserts the law. The government's authority is vested in the ability to police which is under the executive branch. Through mandates, the executive branch is effectively and errantly creating the force of law usurping the legislative branch and the people's will. This is often done in the sense of urgency to meet some sort of crisis or temporary event. Unfortunately, many mandates persist due to the administrative state's persistence across election cycles. In short, the legislative branch is delegating its duties and responsibilities instituting, even leveraging, the administrative state undermining Constitutional constructs to advance ideas that are unConstitutional, unpopular, and even unsupported by the people. Mandates are imposed upon the people and those imposing the mandates are not accountable to the people. Who are they accountable to, some sort of political faction against America's founding.

The Right to Fair Treatment is the commandment "Thou shalt not to bear false witness" applying to all circumstances including criminal, civil, and even gossip. The duty is to truthfulness and the responsibility is to uphold honesty in all circumstances. Often we hear the call to science as though science is nonbias, objective. Unfortunately, scientists are not objective, holding bias and even extreme prejudice. Often this is observed in an unwillingness to examine work counter to their own work. Nonetheless, many scientists hold political or philosophical postures advancing errant science supportive of their own bias at the expense of truthfulness and honesty. COVID-19 is no different as narratives are being pushed as clear evidence pours out against the narratives. These narratives are advanced often through the cancel-culture, censorship, and tattletale society preventing the Right to Free Speech and equal participation in the public sphere.

The Right to be Secure in One's Person originates from Bible and is a theme throughout many books. Personal security underpins nearly all other unalienable Rights and freedoms too. The American Forefathers wrote this into the Bill of Rights as The Right from Self-Incrimination, The Right to a Secure Home, and many other Rights. In short, people have the Right to make intimate personal decisions without external recourse or interference. Thus, no one can poke, prod, stab, jab, search, induce, or cause injury to another person. This includes mandates to be vaccinated, take a pill, or even wear a mask. People often argue about the collective good of society which is foundational to socialism. The United States was founded upon individualism. If the unalienable rights are exalted then everyone participates in a manner in which their duties and responsibilities protect other people and society as a whole. This approach begins with truthfulness and principle-based character ethics.

Reinforcing The Founding Principles

The Declaration of Independence declares quite eloquently that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. There is a lot of meaning packed in the founder's statement. First, an unalienable right is one that cannot be taken away, given away, or otherwise removed by any human or human institution as the Creator gave those rights to all humans and only the Creator may affect these rights. Second, among these rights overtly mentioned is liberty or freedom such as the freedom of speech. Other unalienable rights include the Right to Fair Treatment, the Right to Life which is not simply a contrast between life and death but also to live one's life freely.

Americans need to stand up to impositions on these unalienable rights. The American Forefathers created a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people. Infringement upon unalienable human rights cannot be for the people.

Within the American founding is the peaceful ability to assemble and address grievances against the government. Part of the problem is that the government has created an economic situation in which the people's time is consumed with trying to make ends meet. There is no time for the citizens to assemble and address grievances. Another aspect of the challenge is that addressing the issues with the administrative state is senseless as they have no accountability to the people and are adherents to their narrative regardless of people's desires or concerns. They will simply provide demagoguery to any challenge and continue their narrative and activities.

The approach is not to address the symptoms or overt issues but instead to address the principles and lack of constructs that limit the administrative state's power and authority - if America is going to continue with an administrative state. The challenge of the tactics of censorship, cancel culture, and tattletale society can be addressed by re-enforcing founding principles. Making the people reporting and performing these tactics known under the Right to Fair Treatment will stop much of this activity when the accused faces the accusers, reporters, or otherwise subversive actors who are protected by a false Right to Anonymity. Once these actors are known they can be held accountable for their conduct and that should greatly reduce the use of these tactics.

The American Forefathers built the United States on timeless principles that work for everyone but everyone has to strive towards those principles. When individuals, groups, or factions decide to pursue humanist beliefs and principles that are counter to the founding, conflict is unavoidable. Patriots must stand up for America's founding and be prepared for the ensuing conflict.

Censorship, Cancel Culture, and The TattelTale Society: Part I

Censorship, Cancel Culture, and The TattelTale Society: Part I

What does censorship, cancel culture, and the tattletale society have in common? All are about quelching disagreement, discourse, dissent, and free speech. This is an attempt to control the conversation and promote a narrative regardless of merit. In fact, assessing the merit is not desirable as those seeking to control the narratives are utopians and ideologues who can only see the dream and are not grounded in reality. Often there is little to no merit to their narrative.

Social media outlets attempt to control the conversation while at the same time promoting their narrative or a narrative they are sympathetic towards. Facebook issued this response to an advertisement rejection.

Your ad may have been rejected because it mentions politicians or is about sensitive social issues that could influence public opinion, how people vote, and may impact the election or pending legislation.

The point of any discussion regardless if interpersonal, written, an advertisement, or any other form of communication is to influence by sharing information, knowledge, or wisdom. While Facebook insisted that the people behind the advertisement are known which is an entirely different issue this is still an attempt to control the conversation.

Today during contemporary times, the public sphere is supported by the World Wide Web technology. Social media companies are not unlike the coffee houses as both skimmed on the conversation to make money. Unfortunately, many social media companies and the elitist behind them attempt to control the conversation today.

The Cluetrain Manifesto discusses controlling conversations. If a company tries to control the conversation, the conversation will continue to the detriment of the controlling entity as the public sphere belongs to the public. No one can control the conversation, they can only participate in the conversation as an equal (Weinberg, 2000).

Jonathan Turley who is an author and George Washington University Professor said, "The Aspen report is the latest evidence of a building anti-free speech movement in the United States. It is a movement that both rejects core free speech values and seeks to normalize censorship (Unruh, 2021, p 11). "

Let us look more closely at Censorship, Cancel Culture, and the TattleTell Society.


In the United States, historically free speech has been limited. Remarks that incited panic such as shouting 'fire!' in a crowded theater when there is no fire or threatening a crime such as making death threats are prohibited. Nonetheless, free speech is not normal or ordinary in this world. As of 2018, the world's countries that surveil and censor internet information were mostly totalitarian regimes including secular humanist governments and theocracies such as Islamic Caliphates, Figure 1. However, three years later, surveillance and censorship have increased as evidenced by the sheer number of bannings or de-platforming from social media mostly based on partisan ideology and narratives but these platforms lack competent authority to discern the truth.

Figure 1: Internet Censorship and Surveillance by Country as of 2018. Source:

Social media platforms claim to be stopping rumors and misinformation but lack any competency in making such assessments. Teams that assess the information for accuracy have no competent authority on them to assess truth, misinformation, or otherwise rumors. For example, Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor and foremost authority on mRNA gene therapy technology was de-platformed from social media because he made comments not consistent with the political left's narrative. The de-platforming had nothing to do with the truth or accuracy of the information. Dr. Malone's position is that social media is not competent to make assertions about truth and, in fact, suppress the free speech of competent authority. Dr. Malone has had attack articles discrediting him and the de-platforming in an attempt to cancel his views despite being the competent authority.

The Cancel Culture

The Cancel Culture is a form of ostracizing persons who hold competitive views to the ostracizer. This culture persists when the ostracizer has no basis for the belief or their opinion nor is there any reason for anyone else to believe in their opinion. Nonetheless, the holders of the belief insist on imposing their views on others who hold competitive views by marginalizing the opposing view holders, the ostracized. The culture is vindictive and revengeful character quality of these cancel proponents.

Often the cancel culture shows up in many ways depending on the relationship between the parties. Typically, if in a provider-buyer relationship or when peer reviews are in use the action by a cancel proponent is to provide a low rating or to marginalize the opposing view by attacking the person. When in a superior-subordinate relationship poor performance reviews or counseling may be used often in an unfair manner. When equals in a conversation, the proponent of the cancel culture may use gossip, blogging, or red (attack) articles to discredit the equal. Typically, the focus shifts from the topic to attacking the person. This is not free speech as free speech is not about the attacking person but instead about debating the view, a thought, or idea apart from the messenger. In essence, one should not be killing the messenger.

The Tattletale Society

The tattletale society is characterized by the mantra that everybody should tell someone about somebody. This is facilitated by anonymous reporting systems and the imagined Right to Anonymity that now pervades the fabric of the US Landscape. The Right to Anonymity does not exist except in the imagination of those who sponsor the unnatural Right. However, there is a Right to Fair Treatment and to face one's accuser or reporter regardless of whether the accusation, report, or allegation is criminal, civil, or gossip in nature. Fair treatment applies to all circumstances and social interactions. All involved parties should be known and not hide behind anonymity.

The Tattletale Society often rides on the coattails of political correctness which is the sensibility that conduct and language should be eliminated that may offend another person. Once I overheard a conversation among attorneys that discussed when a word becomes politically incorrect. Essentially, this boiled down to when a lawsuit is won determining a word is no longer acceptable. Unfortunately, the offended party is often not of the ilk of the conduct or language but instead enjoys a sense of empowerment believing they hold a moral and ethical superiority over others. The snob effect. Moreover, the inner workings of a person's mind cannot be known and no one else should be accountable for the thoughts of another person. In other times, a person was showing character whenever they spoke out and other persons had thick skins. There was a social grace among people. Today, social skills are lacking in most people and that social grace has faded away. In the place of social grace, there has emerged a need to tattletale based on political correctness conjured up by politicians, technocrats, jurists, and bureaucrats or the administrative state.

Part II will look at the problems that censorship, cancel culture, and the Tattletell Society have caused and then reinforcing founding principles.


Federer, W.J. (1996) America's God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations. Fame Publishing: USA.

Friedman, T. (2005) World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. Farrar, Straus, Giroux: New York

Unruh, B. (2021) Censorship is needed to stop disagreement, says Aspen Institute. Twenty-First Century Watch, Fourth Quarter, Vol 24, No 4. P 11.

Weinberg, D. (2000) The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual. 1st ed. Basic Books: USA.

Truth: A Quick Study

Truth: A Quick Study

Everyone is talking about truth and there are self-proclaimed keepers of the truth. Usually, these keepers of the truth are found in social media, so-called fact-checkers, and mostly on the Political Left. But have you noticed there are fact-checkers on the Political Right who counter the fact-checkers on the Political Left? If the facts are the facts then why are we confronted with opposing 'facts'? The truth is the facts do not matter and the issue is not about truth. The issue is about the idea, view, or opinion. Selective facts, regardless of the strength of veritable truth, are chosen to support whatever the issue is about. So, what is a person to do? Moreover, The Naked Truth Report is about the truth but the truth often seems elusive and even ethereal at times.

Truth has deep roots steeped in world history. The question of truth goes as far back as the ancient Greeks who studied truth with great fever. The great Philosophers all wrestled with the notion of truth and philosophy breaks everything substantive into being, essence, and virtue. In this case, truth relates to virtue which is goodness, morality, and the quality of being useful. Pontius Pilate jeered, "What is Truth?" circa 35 AD. Pilate was acknowledging that truth can be fleeting.

We need to get a grasp on what is truth! Then, we need to understand how to discover the truth by understanding what truth is. Quite frankly, this is why the Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., exists and the truth is central to becoming a Ph.D. Although, many PhDs are using the discipline to manufacture truths rather than discover truths. They create doubt using skepticism.

The Past and Post-Modernism

The recent surge in relativistic truths emerged out of post-modernist pop culture. Postmodernism appeared during the 1940s and gained widespread acceptance during the 1960s. The postmodern movement questioned reason and the notion of absolute universal truth. The postmodernist argued that truth is contingent upon historical and social context being partial and 'at issue' rather than complete and certain. The core message of postmodernism is pluralism, relativism, and human identity is a social construct rejecting any notion of certainty and absolute values or belief. The challenge of postmodernism is that it lacks coherence, is hostile to certain or absolute truth, and causes problems for reliable information and knowledge.

I must stress that information and knowledge are not one and the same. Information is a statement of quality or character traits of a person, place, or thing regardless of whether the information is true. Knowledge is the accumulation of relevant information which in combination reveals some sort of higher meaning regardless of any truth or not. Thus, there has to be some sort of dogma to discern the truth. The science of epistemology is the study of the extents and limits of truth and knowledge.

Generalized Definition of Truth

Truth is, of course, the opposite of falsehood. Falsehoods arise from human behavior involving lies, deceit, ambiguity, ignorance, innuendo, obfuscation, pride, selfishness, etc... These factors distort truths or create pseudo-truths.

Truth as defined in many dictionaries is the state, quality, or fact that is empirically verifiable. The dictionary definition is a very narrow definition of truth. A more generalized definition of truth is needed.

Truth is, of course, the opposite of falsehood. Falsehoods arise from human behavior involving lies, deceit, ambiguity, ignorance, innuendo, obfuscation, pride, selfishness, etc... These factors distort truths or create pseudo-truths.

Truth is a property of reality. Reality is based on a person's worldview. Any truth must be evaluated with respect to a worldview seeking the strongest support. This creates the problem of a person's fundamental belief system becoming challenged which we will explore later in this discourse.

A generalized definition of truth for the purposes of this discourse is:

A combination of facts and factors that combine to support, in a repeatable and verifiable manner, either through direct evidence or deductive reasoning claims of truth.

Theories of Truth

There are different truth theories that hold a much broader definition. Five mainstream theories are the:
  • Correspondence Theory: Truth propositions correspond to the facts. 
  • Semantic Theory: Truth is a property of sentences. 
  • Deflationary Theory: A statement is true is just to assert the statement itself. 
  • Pragmatic Theory: Defines Truth in terms of utility. 
  • Coherence Theory: Any proposition must be coherent with a specified proposition set to be true.

Most of these theories have serious problems of various sorts and were advanced to counter the Correspondence Theory of Truth. For example, The Pragmatic Theory was advanced to support relativistic truths based on usefulness which we have rejected in this study.

Theory-Based Thinkers

Modes of thought or ways of thinking span several forms to include; critical thinking, analytical thinking, instinctive or gut thinking, creative thinking, etc...

In the American pop landscape, theory-based thinking emerged about 1900. This shift in thinking replaced any justification for belief or investigation into a matter with fantasy, ideas, and interesting notions that had no basis in reality. A good example of theory-based thinking is the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, SETI. Without any basis other than the idea that there may be life elsewhere, SETI began searching. They formulated the Drake Equation, Figure 1, which is supposed to suggest the possibility of the number of off-planet civilizations Earthlings could communicate with.

Figure 1: Drake Equation Used by SETI

The Drake Equation formulated by the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence, SETI, is unbounded, the variables are impossible to know, and the equation amounts to junk math and junk science. Franchises in the entertainment industry such as Star Trek, Star Wars, and other space thrillers have captured the imagination of millions of people but lack any honest evidence that intelligent lifeforms exist off-Earth. There has been no evidence that has ever been observed to support such a scientific investigation and to date, more than 60 years later, there have been no discoveries.

Whereas in the book, The Privileged Planet, the Astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez approaches the search for life by bounding the problem to a known set of parameters identifying the type of galaxies where life could persist and where within the galaxy life is possible, then Goldie Lock zones within a solar system where life could survive. Gonzalez concludes that life off-planet is probabilistically impossible and, in fact, life on Earth is a statistical improbability that is carefully balanced. The issue of intelligent and sentient life becomes a theological rather than a cosmological investigation.

Theory-based thinking has permeated into American Society and become the predominant mode of thought leveraging creative thinking patterns but has no foundation in honest science. However, as Einstein pointed out that without imagination there would be no science. Einstein was based on the known four natural forces and was formulating a method of combining them. He used a technique known as image streaming to place himself as if he were a photon of light. Through this method of image streaming, he was able to make a breakthrough discovery that became the well-tested and well-established theory known as Relativity. Einstein’s use of imagination was quite different from theory-based thinkers. Einstein was founded on evidence and mathematical formulation using imagination to make the quantum leap. Whereas, theory-based thinkers have no evidence and pull a good idea from the ethereal space of their minds. Theory-based clouds matters of truth with the fantasy but can be discerned using a dogmatic approach.

Spectrum of Truth

Missing from the five theories is the Epistemological Theory of Truth. Epistemology is the study of the extent and limits of knowledge to justify a belief as opposed to an opinion. There is a Spectrum of Truths, Figure 2, that ranges between two extremes. At one end are the Epistemic Truths and at the other end are the Correspondent Truths.

Figure 2: Scale of Truth

Human perception of the world is based on a worldview. Worldviews generally stem from the rejection or acceptance of a sovereign deity and the level of engagement from a deity, if the deity exists in the worldview.

In the case of rejection of a sovereign deity, a reliance on science is used to assess truth and limits truth to a correspondent theory and in various degrees of support the other theories too. As an outcome, we begin to observe a pliable science or science that is bent to fit a form of thought known as Theory-Based Thinking which is not associated with scientific dogma but instead social conduct. This Theory-Based thinking approach imagines an idea without any observable basis for forming the idea then seeks to apply science using mostly selective evidence to support the idea. Theory-Base Thinking is the opposite of traditional scientific dogma that requires observation in nature first to support an investigation. That investigation tests the observation and places boundaries limits on the phenomenon. Variables are known, measurable, and have boundary limits.

In the case of a sovereign deity, claims are made in the scriptural messages from the deity. These are examined to assess the validity and ultimately the truth of the claim. These kinds of truths are called Epistemic Truths which may also apply to secular claims of truth. Epistemic Truths are based on a set of foundational assertions. These assertions are often validated through reasoning rather than observation. This reasoning may be deductive but most often is inductive reasoning requiring a leap in judgment. For example, if three findings point to A and five findings point to B, then the five findings underpin stronger support for B than A without having correspondent support for either A or B. Often the findings that point to an inductive reasoned conclusion are called fingerprints or impressions.

In the case of a sovereign deity, claims are made in the scriptural messages from the deity. These are examined to assess the validity and ultimately the truth of the claim. These kinds of truths are called Epistemic Truths which may also apply to secular claims of truth. Epistemic Truths are based on a set of foundational assertions. These assertions are often validated through reasoning rather than observation. This reasoning may be deductive but most often is inductive reasoning requiring a leap in judgment. For example, if three findings point to A and five findings point to B, then the five findings underpin stronger support for B than A without having correspondent support for either A or B. Often the findings that point to an inductive reasoned conclusion are called fingerprints or impressions.

Since most of the world holds a belief in some sort of sovereign deity, Epistemic Truths shape the world perhaps more than correspondent truths. Thus, scientific dogma is applied to the study of all the scriptural messages from all the different deities to examine their claims and discern which claims are the strongest. The deity having the most claims with the greatest underpinning strength is deemed to be the closest to the truth.

The topic of truth is expansive and difficult to cover in a blog posting. Nonetheless, having a basic foundation is essential to growth and understanding when discerning matters of truth. Assessing the foundational assertions behind any claim to truth is the starting point.