Comment: This series of briefs in support for a series on UFOs. The science briefs are intended to prepare readers for the series and establish the view from a rational perspective. Each brief is a high level overview and does not go into deep detail. However, they can be somewhat abstract. New briefs will be added and updates will be made on a regular basis before and during the series. So revisit regularly.
The picture being painted by the science briefs is that all dimensions and order of magnitudes are characterized by a natural resonance, vibration, or harmonic represented by a string that weaves through the universe forming some sort of fabric that we know as reality. Regarding UFOs, the dimension beyond space-time that may possess some sort of entity or being is the energy dimension. Although, non physical beings may be multi-dimensional as are humans. Thus, non-physical beings may reside across other dimensions that are beyond human comprehension. I focused the briefs on the most comprehendable possibilities.
Science Concepts
Aliens Cause Global Warming
M-Theory Brief
Information Theory Overview
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