Comment: This is a brief in support for a series on UFOs. The science briefs are intended to prepare readers for the series and establish the view from a rational perspective.
In general, the scientific experience begins as one is somewhere strolling through the universe and stumbles upon some sort of Complex phenomenon or object. Out of curiosity, a scientific investigation commences to discern the Order behind the complexity. Once the investigation is completed, given the evidence and discovery, an ascertation is made about Origins of the phenomenon or object based on information already present. In short, the scientific experience deals with complexity and order only. Science is the rigorous effort to investigate complexity and order. Matters of Origin are for cosmology, philosophy, and theology.
Scientist typically have personal cosmological, philosophical, and theological views. Sometimes those views affect the science of order and complexity. Michael Critchton points to this problem in his speech Aliens Caused Global Warming. Additionally, claims made in cosmological, philosophical, and theological works can be reconciled with science to corroborate those claims as true or false. Hugh Ross and others attempt to perform this effort which will be discussed in the UFOs: An Alternative Look Series.
The Scientific Language
Mathematics is the language of science. This results in some shared concepts about reality AND that which is NOT reality. On a high level, mathematics deals with four realms; the real, imaginary, complex, and surreal.
The Real Realm
The natural realm that humans are the most comfortable with is the real. Mathematics attempts to describe the natural order through formulation or mathematical formulas. There are processes such as the Buckingham PI theroem used to take a natural phenomenon and describe them mathematically in an equation.
The Imaginary Realm
Radical negative one or the square root of negative one is the basis for the Imaginary realm. Radical negative one is most often symbolized as a "i". The usefulness of the imaginary is more for the engineer than scientist. Complex designs that are numerically engineered often occur in the imaginary realm and conformally mapped into the real for practical application. For example, the design of a transonic propeller that sweeps behind the shock wave.
The Complex Realm
A combination of the real and imaginary compose the complex realm. Again its usefulness is engineering more than science.
The Surreal Realm
The surreal realm, being dream like or similiar to the real, is mostly conceptual and involves notions used in mathematical 'play' or foley to evaluate performance of formulas. Notions like infinite and randomness do not have a natural basis but are useful in mathematical foley.
Chaos Theory
This theory is widely confused with the notion of randomness. Order and randomness are opposites of each other. Hence, randomness cannot have order or be described by mathematical formulas. Mathematics takes advantage of psuedo-randomness but has no means to formulate an equation for true randomness. A random event occurs only once and can never reoccur for a pattern would be established and this would become ordered. Order is structure, pattern, and basis of science. In science there is peer review and confirmation of the finds. Thus, scientific experiment relies on repeatable patterns to confirm the findings. Chaos Theory's fundamental hypothesis is that the universe is perfectly ordered but indeterminant. That is to remark that much of the universe is a roll of the dice or probabilistic. Rolling of a dice has only six possible outcomes of which one of them showing is a probability problem and not random. Hence, the mathematical formula for probability is statisitically ordered.
Chaos Theory makes use of mathematical formulas for patterns that occur naturally. The formulas that describe but do not predict natural patterns are called Fractals. The point Chaos Theory makes is that it denies randomness entirely.
Physics Conventions
Many people hear about particles and strings in physics but have little grasp as to what these things really are all about. They are abstractions that represent a collective behavior physicists are observing.
Particles, for example, in lay terms are generally thought of as soupy fields of local goop that collectively demonstrate a behavior. The physicists assign the concept of a particle to the field in order to conduct 'play' or foley with the behaviors. Consider love and hate. They are not tangible or empirically observable but we know they exist and have some general qualities. If love and hate are assigned to a love particle and a hate particle that resemble pool balls, we can assign the qualities of love and hate to the respective balls or particles. In this way, we can begin to explore their interactions.
Likewise, when dealing with harmonics and waveforms, they resemble an oscillating string. Recall as a child when you took a long rope or jump rope and shook the end such that a wave or bump travelled down the rope. This concept was taken and used in physics to describe the behavior of lightwaves and other waveforms. The string is mathematical formulation of the harmonic state of the waveform. Thus, there are innumerable strings possible. Edward Whitten used in M-Theory the most probable.
The significance of strings is that under the Wave-Particle theory of light, somehow waveforms slam together in a process of compactness, that is still unknown, to form a particle. The Boson-Higgs particle is one attempt to understand this. The formation of a particle results in dimensionality of length, width, depth, and time. Hence, the formation of space-time. The fascinating outcome of this is that the universe, space-time, is not infinite but instead bounded. That space-time comes into and out of existence probabilistically with the formation of these particles. The absence of particles is nonlocality or one dimension in which everything exists simultaneously at the same instance. The string ties these particles in the Planckian realm, the Quantum, through the layers of reality (sub-atomis, atomic, meso-physical) to the Physical realm.
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