Commentary: This posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations. The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.
Nature and SuperNature
Ever since Robert Jastrow's publication in 1978, God and the Astronomer, physicists and astronomers have flooded the shelves with books relating science to God. This is not a mass conversion but instead the outcome of a growing body of compelling evidence that there is a reality beyond the universe. The big bang model implies a reality beyond space-time. This has a serious implication regarding the nature of RUFO's.
Beyond Space and Time
Throughout the twentieth century scientists tirelessly constructed every conceivable model of the universe in an attempt to circumvent Einstein's equations of general relativity. They tried to push the beginning off into infinity as evolutionary processes demanded infinite time but they failed.
In a series of papers written by George Ellis, Stephen Hawking, and Roger Penrose from 1966 to 1970, these scientist extended Einstein's equations beyond matter and energy to include the fabric of space-time. They did so and developed the space-time theorems of general relativity. These theorems declared that space-time has limits and hold true under all possible physical conditions.
Therefore, general relativity stands as the most thoroughly tested and firmly established principle in science. Some scientist suggest the theorem will be referred to as a law. Recent testing has also expanded the reach of the model into inflationary models.
The First Cause
Science is the cause and effect study of relationships in the physical universe. Einstein demonstrated that the universe is an effect in itself. Based on the work on innumerable scientists in astrophysics the universe began with ten dimensions. Six stopped expanding just after the point of origin and space-time continued to expand. Scientist differ in the details but these differences are becoming fewer as research continues.
By the rules that govern rationality and the entire scientific community one must ask, "What caused the first physical effect?"
The space-time theorems of general relativity dictate that the cause of the universe exists and acts beyond and unconstrained by anything within the universe. The cause can be described then as transcendent and has the capacity to initiate the dimensions of space-time. In essence, science has crashed through the physical limits to discover the supernatural.
The Nature of the Supernatural
Most philosophers, scientists, and political scientist would agree that an individual has the right to believe whatever they want to believe. However, that does not settle any arguments and many simply do not care about the truth. For the people who care about the rational validity of their belief, the universe holds abundant clues to the supernatural. Such an investigation, would yield clues regarding RUFOs.
A measured characteristic in the universe known as 'fine tuning' reveals a delicate balance of life giving qualities. Should one of these, some 38 critical qualities, vary slightly the existence of life would disappear or let alone never emerge any where in the universe. The existence of life goes beyond the wide sweeping qualities. At least 153 qualities must persist in the Earth's solar system for life to emerge. Molecules inside the simplest cell demonstrate complexity far beyond the best human inspired machines. The overall impression is compelling evidence of intellect, design, creativity, will, and awesome power. The clues point to a person rather than an abstract entity or force as the designer and default of the universe.
Comment: Physicists Paul Davies remarks, "The evidence of design is overwhelming and compelling."
The Anthropic Principle
The impression of purpose and care has become so strong that it has now achieved the name Anthropic principle. The features of the universe point towards a human being, a complex and sentient creature, as the beneficiary of the transcendent design. There are scores of carefully balanced natural qualities that exist permitting life to emerge. Within the laws of nature are indicators of the creator's character. As one of the features, the universe provides sufficient information to propose, test, and refine human understanding of truth. The reality that the natural and supernatural intersect leads to an inter-dimensional hypothesis regarding RUFOs.
Comment: This chapter has enormous implications not only for RUFOs but much of the psuedo-science of evolution and climate change. The challenge is communicating this knowledge to the common masses in a productive manner. Unfortunately, political and personal agendas assert themself over rational consideration.
Ross, H., Samples, K., and Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress: Colorado