Commentary: This posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations. The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.
Hugh Ross explains that many intelligent well educated people have difficulty dismissing all UFOs. Respected ufologists agree that after most of the reports are reasonably explained there are a few residual reports that cannot be explained. They seem to produce physical effects but a not physical themselves. This contradicts fundamental assumptions of science and cannot be glossed over. This raises the question of how prevalent are RUFOs?
RUFOs The Unexplained UFOs
Hugh Ross explains that many intelligent well educated people have difficulty dismissing all UFOs. Respected ufologists agree that after most of the reports are reasonably explained there are a few residual reports that cannot be explained. They seem to produce physical effects but a not physical themselves. This contradicts fundamental assumptions of science and cannot be glossed over. This raises the question of how prevalent are RUFOs?
Jacque Valle, computer scientist and astronautical researcher, studied the files from Project BlueBook. He concluded that 23% of the files could not be identified as having a natural or human devised source. Astronomer J. Allen Hynek, founder and director of the center for UFOs Studies and official consultant to Project Blue Book, concurs with Vallee's numbers roughly remarking that 1 in 5 is a RUFO. Others have estimates too but none are claiming that all are identifiable.
In a reality check, a dozen scientists reviewed the RUFO database to dispel cases finding that many left physical effects without physical explanations. The physical evidence ranges from depressions, burns, scorching patterns to human trauma. One curious incident in Trans-en-Provence, France on July 8, 1981, leave physical evidence of extreme aging which does not resemble anything known to exist, natural, or man-made. Animals often become agitated specifically dogs and cattle. Machinery has been observed to malfunction or cease to operate during the UFO event then return to normal operations afterwards. In a reality check, UFOs disobey firmly established physical laws. RUFOs exhibit the following behaviors:
- They leave no physical artifacts even after crashing
- They cause no sonic booms
- They do not seem to be affected by air resistance
- UFOs are seen but rarely photographed, photographs are always low resolution which changes at times
- They may be detected but not seen or seen but not detected on radar.
- They make sharp turns, sudden stops, and impossible accelerations to 15,000 MPH.
- They hover above ground or harm buildings and trees without downward thrust of air
- They change momentum without an equal and opposite reactions
- They change size, shape, and color randomly
- They disappear and reappear or disintegrate then reintegrate
- They emit no detectable electromagnetic energy
- They emit lint that cast no shadows, twinkles sometimes, that is finite in length and changes the color of people or objects
- They sometimes remain indistinguishable in shape despite close observation
- They consistently succeed in evasive action, sometimes vanishing into the ground without a trace or vanishing instantly.
- They melt asphalt and metal, burn grass and leaves without fire or flames.
- They physically injure and kill humans apart from any physical agent.
RUFOs prefer rural areas, lonely roads, and fewer than six witnesses. They appear mostly at 3 AM as opposed to other times. Rarely do they appear to large cities. They are not physical or more skywatchers would have observed them. NASA turned down a request by President Carter to study RUFO phenomenon citing that the lack of natural evidence as physical entities NASA cannot engage in such a study.
Hence, if NASA refuses to pursue UFOs on the basis that they lack evidence of being physical then this has implications for a scientific case.
Commentary: RUFOs seem to be ambiguous and ethereal and acting in a psychotic sensibility. They leave physical effects but lack evidence of a natural physical presence. These events seem to be delusional at best but there has to be a strong answer given the physical evidence remaining such as injuries and animal reactions. It is discomforting to science that this RUFO phenomenon exists without reasonable explanations.
More recent research is pointing towards natural phenomenon affecting the human brian. Research is indicating that naturally occurring frequencies that form electromagnetic loops similar to the lines of force can pass through regions of the human brian stimulating hallucinogenic experiences. The research shows that the subjects have lucid religious, spiritual, and UFO-like experiences.
Ross, H., Samples, K., & Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorad
Ross, H., Samples, K., & Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorad
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