Monday, November 12, 2012

Summary CH 16

CommentaryThis posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations.  The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.


Speculations about lights in the sky and little green men will always persist in various forms. But answers do exist for them. One can bring to bear sciences, theology, philosophy, sociology, and political science to help solve the mysteries. 

People have for long periods observed aerial visitors and the flying saucer age set in during 1947.  Their nature makes them difficult to investigate but investigators have formulated classification systems. Many reports have been explained. A very small percentage of reports remain unexplained. these are residual UFOs or RUFOs.

There are two general hypothesis; extra-terrestrial hypothesis, ETH, and the interdimensional hypothesis, IDH. ETH does not standup to scientific investigation and findings. IDH holds promise. Investigators are on firmer ground with IDH as science and scripture demonstrate a remarkable correspondence. 

Closer inspection indicates that RUFOs are consistent with Biblical descriptions of demons. The RUFOs appear to be alive, intelligent, and acting in malevolent ways. There have been no formal tests that demonstrate the demonic connection but there is considerable anecotal evidence. People, victims, of RUFOs have been exposed to occultic related activities. 

The RUFO mystery is a solved mystery. The Earth is not being visited by aliens but instead some people are being visited by spirit beings who pose as aliens from another planet. By placing trust in the Judeo/Christian God, the fear of UFO demons evaporates. 

Comment: I have never observed nor experienced a UFO. The topic is curious to me as naturally I am inquisitive. Nonetheless, Ross makes a strong case that demons and fallen angels are behind the phenomenon. The choice to believe in UFOs is a personal one. I find it odd that some people are more receptive to UFOs than a God. 


Ross, H., Samples, K., & Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorado.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Bible and UFOs CH 15

CommentaryThis posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations.  The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.

This post is a summary of chapter 15 and the historical orthodox view of Christology. It is not intended to apostletize, proselytize, or convert anyone. It is purely an academic look at the belief from Hugh Ross as summarized.


Since the emergence of flying saucers, people have argued that the Bible describes UFOs.  The extra-dimensional hypothesis represents a credible scientific and Biblical view of reality. There is some connection between Biblical accounts and residual UFOs. Ministering spirits, angels who have not rebelled, faithfully serve God. These ministering spirits become visible to humans at certain times and situations. Ministering spirits never contradict the Bible and focus attention towards God. If the extra-dimensional hypothesis is accurate then fallen angels and demons are transitioning between Space-time and other dimensions.

The extra-dimensional hypothesis cousin is the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

Extraterrestrial Life

Whether of not the Judeo-Christian God placed sentient and intelligent life on other planets has been discussed, at least, since Thomas Aquinas discussed it nine centuries. Those who accept the authority of the Bible take a different  position than the secular world.

Scholars who believe that extraterrestrials physically exist claim it as a display of God's creativity and power. They claim God cannot be expected to be limited as he enjoys creativity. Ross and Samples argue this is defensible reasoning but evidence indicates otherwise. Throughout the series arguments were made against space travel and off planet life making them impossible. Philosophical questions were asked regarding the purpose of extraterrestrials traveling to Earth when the creator provided everything physically and spiritually needed for life on the Earth and even afterwards.

God will create again and the purpose of the current universe is not an ends but the means.

Secularists Views

The secularists, namely agnostics, atheists, and desists, are troubled by the loneliness of humanity in the cosmos. Stephen Hawkings comments that it is very difficult to believe that God would make so many useless stars if his intent were to make a home for humanity. Carl Sagan repeated this theme in books, lectures, and movies such as Contact. Hawkings and Sagan claim the Biblical God must abhor waste. One of two conclusions must follow: Either he is not the creator or he universe is teeming with life. A third alternative conclusion exists, a purposeful God created the universe suitable for one planet to have life placed on it for the purpose of demonstrating his awesomely wonderful power so that humans can begin to comprehend him.

The question begs how can physical life forms, aliens, be part of God's message as aliens life forms cannot match the knowledge, power, and love of the creator himself. For these reasons and others discussed in earlier posts the extra-terrestrial hypothesis is not supported. UFOs and extraterrestrials must instead be supernatural creatures of a malevolent nature.

Spiritual Dangers

Participation with the UFO phenomenon opens the door to occult phenomena. Such phenomenon carries negative consequences for one's overall health and vitality. Scriptures forbid involvement with the occult; Duet 18:10-12. UFO experiences involve  occult beliefs and practices. Such involvement separates one from the knowledge of God; Leviticus 19:31. Contactees are seeking revelation from divinely forbidden sources; Exo 22:18, 2 Kings 21:6,  Eze 13:9, Zech 10:2. If a connection is made then they have connected with the powers of the dark side; Eph 6:12. Being possessed by demons is a dreadful risk; Matt 4:24, 9:32-34, 12:22-24, Mark 3:19-12, Luke 11:14-26.

Many encounters with the dark side are not horrific but instead, at least initially uplifting and beautiful. Paul warns that the dark side often masquerades as angels of light and perform wonders and miracles; 2 Cor 11:14-15, 2 Thes 2:9-10, Matt 24:24.

Some contactees claim to receive messages from Christ and that he is an extra-terrestrial. This is a direct challenge to scriptural sourcing of the truth and that saints or Christians are entrusted with the truths; 1Cor 4:6, 2 Tim 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21, Jude 3.

There is no need to further revelation and no revelation from God or his messengers will ever contradict the Bible; 2 Cor 11:4, Gal 1:8-9; 1 Tim 4:1, 6:3, Titus 1:9, 2Peter 2:1, 1John 7-11. UFO religions reject Jesus Christ as the cosmic creator, resurrected Savior of humankind, and in identity as both God and man.

Overall, the UFO worldview differs fundamentally from the historic Christian worldview and theism.

Defense Against UFOs

While it is true that demons are powerful and dangerous creatures, humans are NOT hopeless against their attacks. There is a greater power at hand. God. His power is available through Jesus Christ.  Demon oppression can be manifested in people in various degrees.  Humans tend to be derelict in putting on the full armour of God; EPH 6:10-18. The defenses are not complex. They are:
  1. Examine your life for any access points for Demons
  2. Close those access points by repenting and acknowledging those access points are wrong.
  3. Confess the access points provided by parents or others were wrong. 
  4. Take action to demonstrate repentance. 
  5. Turn your life over to Jesus Christ.
  6. Acknowledge publicly and privately his will is supreme.
  7. Dedicate your mind, heart, soul, and strength to fulfill Christ's purpose.
A Point of Agreement

The authors of this book are convinced that both science and scripture point to supradimensional beings, demons, as malevolent sources of RUFOs. Moreover, one point stands alone among scientists and students of the Bible: The pursuit of truth where it may be found and tested, and beware of any pursuit that links with occultic power or secret knowledge.

John 8:32 The truth will set you free.

Comment:  Ross make the point that malevolent creatures are behind UFOs. If true, then humans must steer away from UFOs and discovering truth is a challenge. 


Ross, H., Samples, K., & Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorado.

UFO Cults CH 14

CommentaryThis posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations.  The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.


The contactee phenomenon has lead to the emergence of UFO cults as it has strong connections to the occult. The cults have the same influences as the contactee phenomenon. The cults coalesced around the popularity of some of the contactees and remain popular. Most cults have folded when the founder dies but a few have grew to thousands of members. These cults represent some of the strangest elements in the UFO phenomenon.

Beliefs and Practices

Each cult group is individual but they demonstrate some common traits such as:
  • Flying saucers are real; physical, psychic, or spiritual
  • Humans communicate with alien intelligences associated with flying saucers usually by entering a trance state and by channeling.
  • The messages are prophetic and revelatory being of immense importance to humanity
This forms the identity of the groups which are often led by charismatic and eccentric leaders. The group often takes on a mystical new age spiritualism aura. Some of the enduring groups are:
  • The Unarius Academy of Science
  • Heaven's Gate
  • The Raelian Movement
The UFO Worldview

A worldview originating from abductees and contactees is a wide spread oblivion. There is no well formed, adequate, carefully considered, and solidly constructed worldview. The worldview protects an individual from irrational, even dangerous, thoughts and actions. However, the belief that aliens literally and physically exist comports well with a UFO-ET worldview. When assessing a worldview the following test are invaluable tools:
  • A coherence test
  • Mean test
  • Explanatory power and scope test
  • Correspondence test
  • Verification test
  • Pragmatic test
  • Existential test
  • Competition test
  • Predictive test
The UFO-ET worldview has many weaknesses that standout and cannot be a basis for judging reality. Cultist prey on people's vulnerability to intellectual, emotional, and spiritual deception. Thus, having a foundation in the Biblical viewpoint can overcome those vulnerabilities and offer a basis for judging reality.


Ross, H., Samples, K., and Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorado.

Contactees CH 13

CommentaryThis posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations.  The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.


Kenneth Samples authored this chapter. The claim is that alien life forms have insights for humanity and seek to share those insights through receptive individuals or contactees. There are four distinct differ experiences between abductees and contactees.
  1. Abductees have negative experiences while contactees have positive experiences. 
  2. Abductees have a single episode, but contactees have long term repeated episodes. 
  3. Abductees are research subjects, contactees are messengers of revelations. 
  4. Abductees change religious beliefs, while contactees form new religious groups. 
The point of this chapter is to make the connection between the occult and the contactee experience.

The Occult Ancestry of the Contactee Movement

The movement began in the 1950s at the height of the Flying Saucer Age but has roots that originate nearly two hundred years prior. The author attributes the contactee movement to a Swedish scientist, Emanuel Swedenborg, 1688-1772. In his book, Earths in the Solar World, he detailed a journey to several planets and beyond claiming he met extraterrestrials and describing their civilizations. The author claims that the journey was of occultic and psychic means. J Gordon Melton, a religious scholar, claims the contactee experience is in a spiritualist context much like a seance. Many other scholars have other theories but all agree that the episodes involve occultic religion.

There are three points for consideration:
  1. Aliens entities are from neighboring planets; namely Mars and Venus. 
  2. Alien messages are communicated via psychic experiences using mediums and channeling. 
  3. When communicating, aliens use telepathy. 
Most contactees historically never involved flying saucers until the 1950s.

Controversial Contactees of the 1950's

The contactee movement peaked during the 1950s and its popularity died off in the early 1960s. New age and Eastern mystical teachings in the West expanded the contactee movement. But the overall conclusion of the investigations revealed an ephemeral and unsubstantiated belief.

The Typical Contactee Scenario

The typical episode has alien desires to communicate with human kind. The alien selects specific people as the point of contact. The message is then channeled to the human for the human race. The contact is made either psychically or face-to-face. Most of the face-to-face contacts were made during the 1950s. The contactee always presents himself as a faithful deliverer of the messages.

The Alien Dimension

Abductee and contactees describe the aliens in much the same manner with some differences. Contactees say the aliens appear as humanoids, animals, robots, or apparitions. The origin of contactee aliens are typically from Venus or Mars but has changed to match that of abductee aliens as science proves that there is no life on Mars. The aliens are life forms from outer space but has become increasingly from other dimensions. The aliens demonstrate either a benevolent intent or a malevolent intent.

The aliens seek to help humanity avoid catastrophes or help humans to the next evolutionary step. Negative or hostile intents are rare. The contactee experience may be appealing to some people and may lead to involvement in UFO cults.


Ross, H., Samples, K., and Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorado.

On the Pirates Coast

Comment:  This is part of my creative works.  From time-to-time, I will jot down some thoughts in the form of a story that may have some sort of moral to the story or may just be sort of whimsical. This is story originated from my James Bogg: Double Oh Gawd series originally written during the late 1990's. Please enjoy and provide feedback.

James Bogg: Double Oh Gawd
Authored by JT Bogden

The soft roar of the ships’ wash subtly bathed my ears while the warm Arabian breeze teased my hair then wisp around my body as though it was some kind of masseuse. Billions of stars speckled the night sky as a full moon sitting on the horizon cast dusty white beams onto the gently rolling seas. The moonlight danced off the swell caps letting my imagination go with each spectacle of sparklets.

When out of darkness, the silhouette of an old galleon pierced in front of the full moon as a backdrop. Upon the forecastle stood the staunch outline of a pirate! I shook my head and wiped my eyes thinking to myself, “Is this out of Peter Pan?”

Instantly, I knew that trouble was brewing. I had to do something quick. As the vessel neared, I could see a rigging line off one of the mast. With a flying bound I was airborne. The line snap taut. Then in a smooth arc, I swung across the deck with a clipping kick taking down on rushing pirates like dominoes. I lofted upon the opposite rail with the grace of a savvied swashbuckler. From there, I could see a fair princess who had been held captive by these ruthless pirates. Amidst the commotion, she was struggling for a whaleboat in an attempt to escape. Clamoring over debris and pirates she grabbed an axe. Swinging it in a wide arc over her head the axe sliced through the hoist ropes. The whaleboat broke free and dove into the water. Several pirates were rushing up as I spun around.

With a spring and burst of energy, I vaulted over them as they reach out for me then stumbled over each other falling to the deck. Grabbing hold of another line, I swung around the mast as a pirate dove from a stack of barrels. Spinning to his side, I pulled his sword from his holster. He came to rest on the rail delicately balancing himself from falling into the water. I poke him in the butt with the sword tip and he sprung erect covering his butt then he lost his balance slowing rotating over the side. There was a scream and a splash.

I spun a rope around my wrist and with a swift chop, a tending line severed dropping a sandbag on approaching pirates and hoisting me into the rigging. From the higher vantage point, I could see the princess was afloat of the port quarter. Glancing down, the pirates were  swarming like ants in a frenzy clamoring up the mast. The sword arced once again, over my head and sliced through a rigging line. Wind in the sails pulled the remaining rope through the blocks and the sails settled atop of the advancing pirates. In a swift shove, I was off the beam swooping across malay underneath the sail. I grabbed a torch from its cradle and dropped it into a stack of gunpowder barrels and swung out over the water. Letting go of the rope, I glided into the water just short of the whaleboat.

Adrift without sails the current carried the Pirate ship further away. As I wiped the water from my face, pirates crowded to the rails shouting and wielding their swords. The clanking swords could be heard as the low glow of torches lit their angry faces. Suddenly, a flash lit the night. Screaming pirates soared into the seas. Others were falling over the sides as the ship burned and began to list. I turned to the whaleboat, a sense of accomplishment filled me. I save the world from menacing pirates and yet nobody would probably know.

The princess called out in the night to me and I swam to the calls. With her arms out stretched, I grabbed hold and she help pull me into the boat. The boat rolled to the side the princess fell back as I landed in her arms. All was quiet, the moon cast its magical dusty white beams onto the calm seas once again and the stars pulsed. There was more in store for me and I knew I was not going to see my home for awhile. I knew not what the adventure could be only that it would be.

Then next episode is The Temple of Doom.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Abductees CH 12

CommentaryThis posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations.  The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.


Kenneth Samples authored this chapter. Samples discusses the 'high strangeness' of alien abductions as they are the most controversial aspect of the UFO phenomenon. Researchers call abductions "Close Encounters of the fourth kind."

Samples claims abductions are not unique to a specific group of people. Thomas Ballard, a folklorist, notes that abductees have no telltale signs distinguishing them from the population. Abduction reports have captured the imagine of the public providing the theme for many books, movies, and TV shows. The persistence of reports combined with a pattern raises questions if there is something to UFOs and abductions.

A Short History of Alien Abductions

Thomas E. Ballard has studied and catalogued hundreds of abduction cases. Early abduction cases were considered the lunatic fringe. Two abduction cases, one during the 1960s and the other during the 1970s, brought alien abductions into the public consciousness.

The first case occurred September 19, 1961 to Barney and Betty Hill in New Hampshire.  The case was highlighted in the book The Interrupted Journey by John G Fuller.

The second case occurred November 5, 1975 to Travis Walton near Snowflake, Az. The case was highlighted in the book The Walton Experience by Travis Walton and became the movie Fire in the Sky.

During the 1980s reports of abductions flourished as perhaps books on the topic stirred increased interest in the topic. Scientists and the mental health industry viewed UFO abductions with skepticism until 1992 when Massachusetts Institute of Technology held a abduction conference. From this point on scholars and researchers deemed the subject worthy of careful evaluation.

The Abduction Scenario

Thomas E. Bullard created a generalized model for the abduction phenomenon. There are eight episodes during an abduction event. However, not all events include all eight episodes and they may occur in various sequences. Each event is considered on its own merits and does not fit into a cookie cutter approach. Moreover, the media reports of these events often do not fit the research data. 
  1. Capture - Usually late night in bed or with traveling in an automobile.
  2. Examination - Usually crude and painful with a focus on reproductive organs.
  3. Conference - Aliens communicate telepathically and usually hostile and decietful. 
  4. Tour of the Ship - Shown the engine room, bridge, and/or incubatorium.
  5. Other Worldly Tours - 25% visit another world.
  6. Theophany - Abductees may experience a religious or spiritual event. 
  7. Return - Aliens return the abductee to the point of capture.
  8. Aftermath - Abductees experience a life changing event often relive fragments of the abduction.
Half of the abductees report multiple abductions, observe apparitions, experience poltergiest, develop psychic and ESP skills, as well as report additional sightings. In general, the abduction marks people permanently.

The Abductors

Everyone wants to know something about the abductors.

Appearance: Most are humanoid forms that fall into two general categories. The 'grays' and the 'Nordics'.  The Grays are short, grotesque, and have gray skin.  They also are hairess, have large heads and a frail build. Grays are associated mostly with North America. The Nordics are tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, and typically command when with Grays. Nordics are friendlier than Grays.

Origin: Abductees are unable to report much on the origin of the abductors other than either from somewhere else in the universe or from another reality. 

Nature: Reports different widely about the true nature of the aliens. Most indicate physical humanoids. Others report spiritual, psychic, or extra-dimensional vistors.

Intentions: Two views; benevolent or malevolent. The benevolent visitations warn of catastrophe. The experience is general positive and uplifting. The malovent visitations attempt to recondition or control belief systems and conduct physiological explotation. 

Explanatory Hypothesis

The question asked is, "What can be made of abductee claims?" Bullard writes, "Abduction reports combine outstanding information with problematic veracity, the testimony of persons too credible to doubt with descriptions too fantastic to believe."

Some believe that alien abductions are real as abductees have consistency in thier reports with no reason to decieve. They point to physical evidence left behind.  Others dismiss this position as based upon anecdotal evidence, glory grabbers, and other decietful acts. Popular UFO theorist have the following theories:

Brain Effect:  A belief that natural occuring phenomenon product electrical fields that stimulate the temporal or other lobes of the brain resulting in hallucinatory episodes.

Hoax or Fantasy: No basis in reality. Events are staged or drawn from the subconscious.

Dormant Memory of Birth: Parallels occur between natural birth and abduction episodes suggesting that latent memories resurface later in life.

Dream or Hallicunation: The abduction is an outcome of a vivid dream or an hallicunary episode.

Psychological Cover for Abuse: Most abductee's have had physical, sexual, and/or psychological abuse as children. The alien abductions may be a cover for the painful memories.

Transformation of Human Consciousness: Alien abductions have a benevolent purpose of enlightenment and spiritual development of the abductee.

Extraterrestrial Experimentation: Millions of humans are being abducted and used like lab animals for the purpose of creating a hybrid race. This accounts for the genetic material extractions and incubacutories.

Contact with ExtraDimensional Beings: Malevolent intelligences from dimensions beyond space-time appear in space-time consistent with Biblical accounts of demons.

Demonic Implementation of Memories: Demonic implantation of false memories which are usually an outcome occultic practices.

In general, people want to believe what they want to believe.  The human mind shows an uncanny ability to create fiction as reality. People create counterfeit realities to suppress truth and avoid God as well as moral accountability to him.

Comment:  What ever the issues and theories are the RUFO seems to have been increasing in activities since the 1940's. The fact the scholarly attention is refocused on RUFOs indicates that there is some sort of strength to these claims.  Since the Universe is principally of natural order there is most likely a natural cause for the abduction experience. However, the human expereince is both natural and spiritual. There may be a spiritual edge to the experiences. 


Ross, H., Samples, K., and Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorado.

A Closer Look at UFOs CH 11

CommentaryThis posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations.  The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.


Ross writes that the problem is not the need for more data or if RUFOs exist. The evidence unequivocally indicates they do exist. Instead, the need is to determine what are they?  This chapter gets at RUFO nature.

RUFO Characteristics:

Ross points to the observation that RUFOs are both real and nonphysical manifesting specific characteristics that leave the impression of intelligent and strategic purpose. RUFO have these characteristics:
  • Favor certain times and locales; remote locations and at 3 am, 6 am, and 8 am.
  • Make repeated visits to specific witnesses and sites
  • Visits are to a select few
  • Keep pace with human technology and science fiction
  • Match scientific literacy of their witnesses
  • Seem to persist throughout human history
  • Appear to be alive
  • Arouse distrurbing emotions
  • Cause bodily and psychological harm
  • Deceive human contacts
Skeptics attribute RUFOs to elaborate hoaxes.  Humans and their associate witnesses are not the perpetrators.  Chapter 6 established that RUFOs and their physical effects are not created by humans. Humans and their associate witnesses are victims of super-human authors. 

The Culprits:

Ross arrives at a point that identifying additional characteristics is unnecessary. He concludes that the characteristics point to activities of demons then supports this conclusion citing numerous secular and agnostic scientist who concluded closely the same. Among the scientist include; Jacques Valle, J Allen Hynek, Paul Davies, John Keel, Lynn Catoe, James McCampbell, Jacques Lemaitre, and many others. The conclusion is that malevolent manifestations from beyond space-time are RUFOs.

Tests for the Hypothesis:

The conclusion that demons are behind the residual UFO phenonmenon is testable.  The Bible states that demons can only attack those individuals who invite demons to attack; Leviticus 17:7, Dueteronomy 32:15-43, Judges 9:22-57, 1 Samuel 15:1-16:23, Pslam 106:36-43, Luke 11:14-26, Acts 13:6-11, 17:12-20, 1 Corinthians 10:18-22, Revelation 9:20-21.  Ross cites research that demonstrates people who ascertained RUFO encounters had activities and practices that invited demons to attack.

Ross further explains that scientist are relunctant to acknowledge demon attacks are behind RUFOs because the answer points to strongly toward the Christian understanding.  Nonetheless, the only defense against RUFOs or demon attacks is in the Bible and Christianity.

Comment: A common problem is Analysis Paralysis which is an effort to gather more data than necessary resulting in stagnation. The opposite of analysis paralysis is collecting too little data. Ross states that there is sufficient evidence to conclude the RUFOs are in evidence. He claims that the source of RUFOs are supernatural then looks to the Bible for tests. Many of the readers may find this preposterous while still believing the in absurdity and outlandishness of UFOs.  The best approach is to research and study for yourself. 


Ross, H., Samples, K., & Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorado.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Interdimensional Hypothesis CH 10

CommentaryThis posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations.  The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.

The Interdimensional Hypothesis, IDH

The point of this chapter as posed by Hugh Ross is the debate regarding whether or not science opens a Pandora's Box affirming that the natural and supernatural interface. This situation stirs apprehension in many scientists who avoid any connection between science and religion as well as the paranormal. Ross points out that humanity is relentlessly curious about the paranormal and supernatural.

Ross reviews his previous discussions on the topics of supernatural, natural explanations of UFO’s, cover-ups, conspiracies, and the abundant evidence of residual UFO’s. He offers that science’s methodical approach to questions of the tangible and intangible incorporates principles of logic that have been applied for centuries testing truths. Then Ross seeks to apply the scientific method to IDH which seems to be beyond the reach of objective analysis.

Ross explains that M-Theory, a ten dimensional model, solves the objective analysis problem, the troubling contradiction between gravity and quantum physics, and then corroborates special and general relativity. With respect to the supernatural these findings do more than settle the contradiction. The findings establish limits regarding origins and provide new testing tools for those who root their religious and philosophical beliefs in verifiable truths answering the validity of interdimensional hypothesis.

Comment:  Scientific methods in atom smashing, M-Theory, and others have confirmed that the universe is bounded. There is an upper, 10+40 meter, and lower limit, 10-30 meters. There is nothing physical beyond these limits that affect the natural. Thus, science cannot apply beyond these limits. Although there maybe some use of the scientific method applied beyond these limits.  The question begs, what is on the other side of these limits?  That is an exploration of cosmology, philosophy, or theology. 

Versions of IDH

In general, proponents of IDH conclude that RUFOs enter physical dimensions of space-time from other dimensions. Ross discusses numerous 'good ideas' about alternative dimensions in which RUFOs reside. He points out any suggestion that RUFOs come from dimensions between space-time dimensions or from between any other dimension attributed by M-theory misconstrues or misrepresents the science. Comment: I agree as the M-Theory brief was an attempt to illustrate the science and dimensional realms.  Ross further argues that physicists Jacques Valle's realm of a multi-verse is irrelevant from a physics standpoint.

Ross claims that there are forms of IDH completely consistent with scientific understanding. The principles of physics do not rule out a reality beyond the cosmos. In fact, the demonstrated reliability of space-time theorems of general relativity affirm a reality beyond space-time. Rational human speculation must reflect what evidence reveals about the cause and source of the universe. Science characteristics of constancy, consistency, order, freedom from contradiction, causality, and so on provide the litmus test for any deity or divine revelation. The science method can be applied to aid in determining which if any holy book affirms reality.

Comment:  The book The Privileged Planet argues that the Judeo-Christian God structured the universe for human exploration and discovery.  Hence, the scientific methods apply to Judeo-Christianity affirming and revealing the fingerprints of God on the universe. 

The ExtraDimensional Hypothesis

Science attests to a transcendent cause for the origin of the universe. Most books, theories, and doctrines relate the God or Gods to the boundaries of space-time or the other six dimensions. Only one book, the Bible, claims the existence of a God who is a personal creator and who can act outside the universe that includes space-time and six other tiny dimensions. The God of the Bible is said to be the one creator of the universe. Only the Bible makes the claim that the creator brought time into existence. Thus, time has a beginning and an end. The Bible also claims that the creator can act and does act with cause and effect capability outside of time.  For example, Genesis 1:1, Hebrews 11:3, 2Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2, John 1:3, Colossians 1:16-17. In other words, the universe was made transcendantly from a source apart from matter, energy, length, width, height, and time. 

These verses attest to a creator outside the universe and creating from supernatural powers. The Bible asks us to place confidence in these claims which requires faith or trust in God. This faith is not blind nor does the Bible ask us for blind faith. God provides a framework or frame of reference for us the verify claims. Nonetheless, since the creator brought the universe into existence, he can certainly interact with the universe. The Bible does depict miracles that are non-repeatable phenomenon which cannot be verified by scientific rigor directly. For example, John 20:19, Luke 24:37-43. Christ appeared in physical form in rooms without entering through doors or windows. Within space-time this is impossible without access to other dimensions.

No other sacred book communicates so accurately about the natural realm than the Bible. The Bible demonstrates several points:

1. Correctly describes the personal chracterisitics of the creator as manifested in the natural
2. Predicts scientific discovery thousands of years prior to humanity's discovery
3. Invites and encourages testing as no other spiritual communication known to humanity

RUFO Options

Ross remarks that the Bible extensively, accurately, and uniquely describes the spiritual realm on any and all points that can be confirmed by scientific inquiry. Ross claims the spiritual realm is beyond matter, energy, and the associated 10 dimensional universe. Ross argues that no other Holy book or revelation including the UFO cult body of works depicts reality as accurately as the Bible. The Bible stands alone as the best source of trustworthy revelation about the spirit realm.

Ross presents the notion that the Bible declares the existence of God and two other distinct spiritual creatures; humans and angels. Humans and angels are spiritually aware and capable. Humans, at least for now, are Earthbound but angels are not and can manifest themselves in physical form within the framework God provides. A sizable minority of angels rebelled against God lead by Satan aka Lucifer and other designations. Those angels who followed Satan in rebellion are often called evil spirits, fallen angels, and/or demons; Matthew 25:41; Luke 10:18; Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Revelation 20:2.

Ross postulates that humans remain physically bound to the dimensions of the cosmos. Therefore, they cannot account for the unexplained or RUFO phenomena. While much of the UFO hysteria is of the human mind, fallen angels, in particular, remain as a possible cause. Ross then points to the character, behavior, and framework that God provides for ministering spirits, righteous angels, or evil spirits, fallen angels, and even God. God never acts out of character. Miracles that razzle-dazzle are not consistent with God's purposes or conduct. Thus, razzle-dazzle miracles are efforts to distract humans from God and consistent with evil purposes leading to the conclusion that RUFOs are efforts by fallen angels.


Ross, H., Samples, K., and Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorado.