Commentary: This posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations. The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.
Ross writes that the problem is not the need for more data or if RUFOs exist. The evidence unequivocally indicates they do exist. Instead, the need is to determine what are they? This chapter gets at RUFO nature.
RUFO Characteristics:
Ross points to the observation that RUFOs are both real and nonphysical manifesting specific characteristics that leave the impression of intelligent and strategic purpose. RUFO have these characteristics:
- Favor certain times and locales; remote locations and at 3 am, 6 am, and 8 am.
- Make repeated visits to specific witnesses and sites
- Visits are to a select few
- Keep pace with human technology and science fiction
- Match scientific literacy of their witnesses
- Seem to persist throughout human history
- Appear to be alive
- Arouse distrurbing emotions
- Cause bodily and psychological harm
- Deceive human contacts
Skeptics attribute RUFOs to elaborate hoaxes. Humans and their associate witnesses are not the perpetrators. Chapter 6 established that RUFOs and their physical effects are not created by humans. Humans and their associate witnesses are victims of super-human authors.
The Culprits:
Ross arrives at a point that identifying additional characteristics is unnecessary. He concludes that the characteristics point to activities of demons then supports this conclusion citing numerous secular and agnostic scientist who concluded closely the same. Among the scientist include; Jacques Valle, J Allen Hynek, Paul Davies, John Keel, Lynn Catoe, James McCampbell, Jacques Lemaitre, and many others. The conclusion is that malevolent manifestations from beyond space-time are RUFOs.
Tests for the Hypothesis:
The conclusion that demons are behind the residual UFO phenonmenon is testable. The Bible states that demons can only attack those individuals who invite demons to attack; Leviticus 17:7, Dueteronomy 32:15-43, Judges 9:22-57, 1 Samuel 15:1-16:23, Pslam 106:36-43, Luke 11:14-26, Acts 13:6-11, 17:12-20, 1 Corinthians 10:18-22, Revelation 9:20-21. Ross cites research that demonstrates people who ascertained RUFO encounters had activities and practices that invited demons to attack.
Ross further explains that scientist are relunctant to acknowledge demon attacks are behind RUFOs because the answer points to strongly toward the Christian understanding. Nonetheless, the only defense against RUFOs or demon attacks is in the Bible and Christianity.
Comment: A common problem is Analysis Paralysis which is an effort to gather more data than necessary resulting in stagnation. The opposite of analysis paralysis is collecting too little data. Ross states that there is sufficient evidence to conclude the RUFOs are in evidence. He claims that the source of RUFOs are supernatural then looks to the Bible for tests. Many of the readers may find this preposterous while still believing the in absurdity and outlandishness of UFOs. The best approach is to research and study for yourself.
Ross, H., Samples, K., & Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorado.
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