Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Bible and UFOs CH 15

CommentaryThis posting is in a series of posts summarizing the book, "Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men" by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark. Hugh Ross is a scientist in physics and Clark has a PHd in political science. The other authors specialize in social sciences, philosophies, and international relations.  The full series can be reviewed at UFOs an Alternative Look.

This post is a summary of chapter 15 and the historical orthodox view of Christology. It is not intended to apostletize, proselytize, or convert anyone. It is purely an academic look at the belief from Hugh Ross as summarized.


Since the emergence of flying saucers, people have argued that the Bible describes UFOs.  The extra-dimensional hypothesis represents a credible scientific and Biblical view of reality. There is some connection between Biblical accounts and residual UFOs. Ministering spirits, angels who have not rebelled, faithfully serve God. These ministering spirits become visible to humans at certain times and situations. Ministering spirits never contradict the Bible and focus attention towards God. If the extra-dimensional hypothesis is accurate then fallen angels and demons are transitioning between Space-time and other dimensions.

The extra-dimensional hypothesis cousin is the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

Extraterrestrial Life

Whether of not the Judeo-Christian God placed sentient and intelligent life on other planets has been discussed, at least, since Thomas Aquinas discussed it nine centuries. Those who accept the authority of the Bible take a different  position than the secular world.

Scholars who believe that extraterrestrials physically exist claim it as a display of God's creativity and power. They claim God cannot be expected to be limited as he enjoys creativity. Ross and Samples argue this is defensible reasoning but evidence indicates otherwise. Throughout the series arguments were made against space travel and off planet life making them impossible. Philosophical questions were asked regarding the purpose of extraterrestrials traveling to Earth when the creator provided everything physically and spiritually needed for life on the Earth and even afterwards.

God will create again and the purpose of the current universe is not an ends but the means.

Secularists Views

The secularists, namely agnostics, atheists, and desists, are troubled by the loneliness of humanity in the cosmos. Stephen Hawkings comments that it is very difficult to believe that God would make so many useless stars if his intent were to make a home for humanity. Carl Sagan repeated this theme in books, lectures, and movies such as Contact. Hawkings and Sagan claim the Biblical God must abhor waste. One of two conclusions must follow: Either he is not the creator or he universe is teeming with life. A third alternative conclusion exists, a purposeful God created the universe suitable for one planet to have life placed on it for the purpose of demonstrating his awesomely wonderful power so that humans can begin to comprehend him.

The question begs how can physical life forms, aliens, be part of God's message as aliens life forms cannot match the knowledge, power, and love of the creator himself. For these reasons and others discussed in earlier posts the extra-terrestrial hypothesis is not supported. UFOs and extraterrestrials must instead be supernatural creatures of a malevolent nature.

Spiritual Dangers

Participation with the UFO phenomenon opens the door to occult phenomena. Such phenomenon carries negative consequences for one's overall health and vitality. Scriptures forbid involvement with the occult; Duet 18:10-12. UFO experiences involve  occult beliefs and practices. Such involvement separates one from the knowledge of God; Leviticus 19:31. Contactees are seeking revelation from divinely forbidden sources; Exo 22:18, 2 Kings 21:6,  Eze 13:9, Zech 10:2. If a connection is made then they have connected with the powers of the dark side; Eph 6:12. Being possessed by demons is a dreadful risk; Matt 4:24, 9:32-34, 12:22-24, Mark 3:19-12, Luke 11:14-26.

Many encounters with the dark side are not horrific but instead, at least initially uplifting and beautiful. Paul warns that the dark side often masquerades as angels of light and perform wonders and miracles; 2 Cor 11:14-15, 2 Thes 2:9-10, Matt 24:24.

Some contactees claim to receive messages from Christ and that he is an extra-terrestrial. This is a direct challenge to scriptural sourcing of the truth and that saints or Christians are entrusted with the truths; 1Cor 4:6, 2 Tim 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21, Jude 3.

There is no need to further revelation and no revelation from God or his messengers will ever contradict the Bible; 2 Cor 11:4, Gal 1:8-9; 1 Tim 4:1, 6:3, Titus 1:9, 2Peter 2:1, 1John 7-11. UFO religions reject Jesus Christ as the cosmic creator, resurrected Savior of humankind, and in identity as both God and man.

Overall, the UFO worldview differs fundamentally from the historic Christian worldview and theism.

Defense Against UFOs

While it is true that demons are powerful and dangerous creatures, humans are NOT hopeless against their attacks. There is a greater power at hand. God. His power is available through Jesus Christ.  Demon oppression can be manifested in people in various degrees.  Humans tend to be derelict in putting on the full armour of God; EPH 6:10-18. The defenses are not complex. They are:
  1. Examine your life for any access points for Demons
  2. Close those access points by repenting and acknowledging those access points are wrong.
  3. Confess the access points provided by parents or others were wrong. 
  4. Take action to demonstrate repentance. 
  5. Turn your life over to Jesus Christ.
  6. Acknowledge publicly and privately his will is supreme.
  7. Dedicate your mind, heart, soul, and strength to fulfill Christ's purpose.
A Point of Agreement

The authors of this book are convinced that both science and scripture point to supradimensional beings, demons, as malevolent sources of RUFOs. Moreover, one point stands alone among scientists and students of the Bible: The pursuit of truth where it may be found and tested, and beware of any pursuit that links with occultic power or secret knowledge.

John 8:32 The truth will set you free.

Comment:  Ross make the point that malevolent creatures are behind UFOs. If true, then humans must steer away from UFOs and discovering truth is a challenge. 


Ross, H., Samples, K., & Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky and little green men: a rational christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Navpress. Colorado.

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